The RockHopper Fund
Caring for our planet requires collaboration, now more than ever.
We’re commited to a just and equitable approach to conservation with a focus on those most affected.
Partners & Supporters
Our Projects
Great White Shark Photo ID
Meet the locals - knowing who’s around in a shifting environment enables us to keep sharks and bathers safe.
A BBC Planet Earth III Impact Campaign.
Shark and Big Fish Telemetry
Following sharks through the ocean leads us to important areas - Critical Habitats we need to protect first.
With camera, acoustic and satellite tags we record and build evidence for protection of these places. -
The RockHopper Academy
Saving a planet takes people.
Actions toward restoration.
We train and empower the workforce behind successful marine reserves.
Outreach & Access
Science needs an audience and reserves need communities.
Community champions are awakened through experience and opportunity.
Do you have too much stuff?
Change happens slowly and then all of a sudden. Does it start in your basement?
We collect, service, and provide free access to equipment.
Email community@rockhopper.co.za for more.
“If it’s sitting gathering dust, pass it on you must.” - Yoda.
The RockHopper Fund Board
“I find meaning in the natural world and have a keen interest in 71% of the world's surface viewed through the lens of environmental economics.
I believe that solutions to the climate and biodiversity crisis we face today depend on greater relationships between the world of scientists and big business, between capitalism and conservation.
I worked in the field promoting marine protected areas, during that time, I also pursued a master's of commerce in natural resource and environmental economics and an executive MBA, connecting capitalism and conservation, science and business. “
I work at The Earth Genome.
Clare Keating
“The ocean has captivated me since I can remember - the wide open spaces, the deafening silence, the otherworldly creatures.
I believe in the power of sharing scientific discoveries and solutions with the world. Reconnecting us to the ever-changing moods, seasons and the exceptional lives of the creatures below the ocean’s surface.
I have spent my career seeking alternatives to funding cycles - building value exchange between the passionate people needing support and those looking to connect more intimately with our planet’s wildest spaces.”
Justin Blake
“The ocean has always been a place of joy and happy memories - Summer holidays, long walks, surfing, diving. I believe this is the case for most people who visit the world's oceans.
Over the past 10years, while working in conservation tourism, I have learnt that the more we understand nature the better we can protect it. For many people, including myself, the ocean is unknown, we don't understand or connect with it and therefore we don't protect it.
If we can show the world that our happiest places - memories - are being lost, and how to fix it, we have a chance of protecting it.”
I work at Redfoot Safaris